
To achieve our goals we regard student participation in extracurricular activities as essential. These activities are scheduled at the end of the school day or on Saturdays, changing from year to year according to student demand. Clubs function as independent students’ organizations or under supervision of a faculty advisor.
Successful Clubs in the past have been Drama, Debate, Intellectual, Chess, Computers, Movie, Music, Kendo Club, Archaeology, Studio Arts, the Newspaper Club, and the Saturday Community Service program.
Besides Clubs and Activities, the American Academy has long-established traditions and ceremonies that it celebrates during the school year:
Convocation Ceremony - Convocation Ceremony “calls together” the students, teachers, the staff, and the trustees of the American Academy to celebrate the beginning of the new school year. Usually, the school Trustee and the Director address the entire school community and congratulate on the beginning of the new academic year.
The Convocation Ceremony was initiated by our Founding Director, Donald W. Thomas in 2013, since then this has become the school tradition.
Christmas Party – the Christmas Party takes place on the last Thursday, before the winter break. During the party, the students enjoy evening with music, fun games, and snacks.
The Founders & AAT Day – is a day of celebration of the founding of the school and honoring Guivy Zaldastanishvili, the school founder, and his living legacy. Usually, there is no classes during the Founder’s Day, instead younger students are exposed to the school history by watching a short film about the life and the deeds of Guivy Zaldastanishvili, whereas, older students gather around the grave with flowers to commemorate Mr. Zaldastanishvili.
The evening of the same day continues with the celebration of the AAT Day. Students start preparations for the event two-three months prior to the event and at the AAT day, they showcase their creative and artistic talents; their performance is judged by the juries consisted of the AAT faculty and administration, the winners are awarded memorable presents.
Closing Ceremony - each year, the American Academy celebrates the end of the school year. Traditionally, during the closing ceremony administrators and the faculty of the Academy award students with prize books and honors for their hard work during the past academic year and wishes them to an enjoyable summer vacations.
Besides the above said, one of the well-established activities are a number of Field Trips that are provided during the academic year. These include grade specific trips to different areas in Georgia as well as a ski trip to the local mountains.