Academic Support

The American Academy is committed to helping students struggling academically.
Academic support for Junior High is built within daily schedule on a need-based calendar and it not only assist academically vulnerable students but also focuses on developing other areas of interest.
All teachers in grades 9-12 will set public weekly hours of extra help for students who are in need of catching up with their studies. Students in academic probation are placed on a mandatory schedule. If, despite of the extra help offered, the student failed to improve his/her grades, the student may be asked to leave the Academy.
Sometimes parents decide that it would be good to have an outside tutor for most or all subjects without consulting the school. In most cases such tutoring is unnecessary, costly and at odds with procedures or methods used in the classroom. Although teachers cannot tutor their own students they are always ready to consult with parents about these matters and can discuss in what areas tutoring may be helpful. It is always best to consult with the classroom teacher before engaging a tutor.